March 8, 2023

iCrimeFighter Testimonial- Brian Williams, Black Hawk County Attorney.

iCrimeFighter Testimonial- Brian Williams, Black Hawk County Attorney.

We recently held a webinar with Brian Williams a Black Hawk County Attorney. He shared with us how iCrimeFighter makes life easier. Take a look at some of his highlight points;

  • I started this probably four or five years ago, just looking for a solution to videos. I found a couple of solutions but they were terribly expensive.
  • My first question for Jason was, does my IT department has to be involved at all? Some of you probably have IT departments that are heavily involved in your office, mine is not. So my first question to him was, do they have to be involved? and he said no, and he was absolutely hundred percent correct.
  • I believe late February, early March we had all of our larger police departments involved and it has been an absolute blessing.
  • There is an Evidence Anywhere feature that we have not utilized yet but essentially that can save you some trips or your deputies some trips to different locations. We're still waiting to utilize that function and eventually, we want to get our smaller departments involved as well.
  • Being able to do a quick reference to any case, anytime, from your laptop, desktop, phone, whatever it may be.
  • The police department and agencies have worked great with us. There literally have been no complaints whatsoever.

About us: iCrimeFighter is an evidence management tool used by over 250 Law Enforcement agencies. The iCrimeFighter Apple and Android applications allow the secure collection of photos, audio, video, and notes in the field with a secure upload to the cloud. After upload all evidence collected in the field can be seen in iCrimeFighter’s web portal on a desktop, laptop or tablet. When iCrimeFighter is deployed to a team or agency, case data can be shared among other department users. To learn more and setup a free demo please contact

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